1968 Chris Craft 427 BOTH exhaust manifolds and parts. asking $1200 plus shipping for both Manifolds STARBOARD Engine. I have oil pan and cooler for $450 plus shipping all items are in near perfect condition and function perfectly. Lost My Commander in a bad storm, FLORIDA

I didnt realize I could add to make it clearer the things I have for my 35. numerous, reasonable brand new or rebuilt. I am a 50 year Plus Pilot and licensed Aircraft mechanic of the highest order. (not bragging just stating I know what Im doing)
I have a few more 427 cooling system parts that are being electronicly cleand and will be painted soon check fo list if interested also complete berth cushions NEW NEVER USED and a complete REX sewing machine in case with accessories, bolt of fabric, complete canvas surround for the 35 Sport fisherman never installed ECT crane for picking up dingy..
D Dixon
(386) 785-3320
Great TIP
You would think that I would have told folks how to get in touch for some of these things I have left
Thank you
Don't know how to change listing make mean offer that's fair and we will talk thanks for looking have a few more mounting parts ...
Dennis Dixon, you can change the listing by clicking on the 3 dots Click Edit, add or delete what you want. Be sure to scroll to the bottom and click the UPDATE button.