Warren Pateman
Restoration Award
To recognize and honor a member of the organization who has made a detailed and complete documentation of a restoration or other major preservation project on a vessel. The project supports the mission, legacy and future of the Chris Craft Commander Club.
The award is named for Warren Pateman who with his lifelong friend Graham Robertson fully restored a 1964 38 Commander in Mandurah Western Australia in 2004. His website https://www.flickr.com/photos/chriscraft/albums exists as a reference point for the many Chris-Craft owners and Warren's friends throughout the world who may find useful information and inspiration to assist their own Commander refurbishment projects. Within this site you will find information on Bambi's history, detailed information with photographic references on the extensive rebuild and pictures of the completed project. Warren Pateman lost his two year fight with cancer in June 2006 so this website has been completed by his son Darren to finish the project his dad started in 2004. Video
A worthy documentation would be well written, informative, preferably contain a number of step by step instructions, contain numerous photographs and/or videos, list of suppliers used, materials, etc. The documentation should be readily available to Commander Club members. Not required to be awarded annually.
Selected by: The Executive Committee months before the national rendezvous