We have found that classifieds are more successful if the seller provides contact information and location. The public does have access to this section but cannot contact members unless the contact information is posted.
Only members can reply to the ad.
You could create a separate e-mail just for the classified.
You can edit your post to include contact information.
We have found that classifieds are more successful if the seller provides contact information and location. The public does have access to this section but cannot contact members unless the contact information is posted.
Only members can reply to the ad.
You could create a separate e-mail just for the classified.
You can edit your post to include contact information.
Thank you for using the Classifieds section!
Information to Include:
Listing Title: Example 1968 38 Commander Sedan
Description: Any details
Boat Model:
Model year:
Length, feet:
Home port/Location:
Contact person:
Reply e-mail address:
Phone number:
Engines well maintained
Needs ac/heat,plumbing and carpentry work.
No blisters recent bottom paint and zincs
Robert, could you send me more details, photos? christopherstagg@icloud.com
do you have a number or email where I could reach you?
Robert, emailed you. Please let me know if you don't see it.