The 36 foot tournament fisherman that I bought was in very good condition and pretty much ready to run, but I was determined to remove the flybridge. It has been more work than I imagined, there were many systems, wires, and hundreds of screw holes and bolts, that had been a part of the boat since it was new. There were 3 large wiring “ports” in particular that all needed to be filled and covered.
But I finally filled all the holes painted the hardtop and added my own NAV lights, handrails, anchor light and horn. I am really happy with it.
I was able to use the large handrails that were originally mounted on the side of the flybridge. I was able to mount the Nav lights on the side of the hardtop, which is a very streamlined look. I was able to find one of the Jetson anchor lights off eBay and put a very bright LED lightbulb in there that is going to work great. I mounted my stern white light on the rear end of the hardtop, which is a unique approach, but seems to be perfectly legal. I have red and green and white in the stern all very high so it should be good.
I have kept the main center area clear because in the future, I might store a rigid inflatable up there, and my 20-year-old son is already climbed up there and walked around. It’s quite a large expanse of a hardtop and it seems that young people will probably gravitate up there and and jump off and stuff like that.
It also could be an excellent spot for an enormous solar panel system. But I don’t really want or need that, but maybe it’s something to explore in the future who knows. But I left the center completely open. And maybe someday even put in a couple of skylights, that might be nice too.
I’m just happy to have all the wiring done and so now I can put the headliner back in inside the salon.
For diehard flybridge people, you should know that a gentleman drove 15 hours to pick up my flybridge, ladder and bridge helm station and will be using it on an identical model Boat, the same 36 of which he needed an original flybridge. So the entire unit is living on on a sister ship, which is nice. It did not go to waste.

Amazing work!! She looks great and as for the stern light it’s perfectly legal!